Industry Pros: EU Privacy Laws Help, Not Hinder Facebook, Google In Data War

The European Union’s most recent privacy legislation could in reality benefit the media giants that they hope to rein inthe Wall Street Journal claimed April 23, highlighting the need to place power in the hands of consumers, possibly via the use of Blockchain-based platforms.

Before Cointelegraph reported on Blockchain technology being a solutions to the problems for example those associated with privacy difficulties.
Recent reports indicate that although Facebook’s outrage at partner Cambridge Analytica’s data intercepted behaviour, its real concern may in reality be “hollow.”

“For them, it’s easy,” he told the Wall Street Journal Assessing Facebook along with Google. “The problem is, who understands AdUX?”

Regardless of the information scandal involving Facebook especially, the corporation’s sway on line means European users are somewhat more likely to give consent to its pop-up effort currently asking them in a subtle means to agree to data-sharing, asserts Cyril Zimmerman, CEO of some smaller electronic marketing firm AdUX.
From the run-up to new laws that goes into effect May 25, Digital marketing agencies are complaining that the EU before utilizing their data really demanding companies get approval from users that are net favors giants such as Facebook and Google.
In Zimmerman’s words, users will be much less trusting – and any agency’s – related request for access.

Choices, based on Blockchain technologies that enables user control and full transparency of the information, appear to be a sensible choice.

Industry players are betting on old habits dying hard with regard to names circumventing EU laws.