Bitmain Nears 51% of Network Hash Rate: Why This Matters and Why It Does Not

Piecing this together, it’s pretty easy to see Bitmain’s influence on the network hash speed. Through the different mining pools it exerts influence over in one way or another, it might have already stepped beyond the 50% mark some time ago.
Bitmain formally owns and controls three mining pools: AntPool, and ConnectBTC. Combined, these pools control over 40 percent of their community hash speed, more than a firm like was prepared to restrain.
For now, while the combined hash speed of Bitmain’s official mining pools will be a sign that bitcoin mining has gotten very centralized, the particular metric of pool centralization could be considered somewhat shallow. Mining pool centralization was a reality for some time, while the real hash power centralization danger remains unknown.

But this also means that if one entity controls more than half of their computational power on the network, it can select an older block within the chain and begin re-mining everything from that point. This new chain can then overtake the first one, and all prior transactions will become invalid. To put it differently, if a single entity controls over half of hash electricity on the network, this entity can reverse transactions, and therefore poses a danger to the network’s immutability, among Bitcoin’s center attributes. This entity can also refuse to accept blocks mined by other people, ensuring that the contest never receives a reasonable shake, or blacklist particular Bitcoin addresses.


But Bitmain can impact more exploration pools. The company is, by way of instance, thesole investor in ViaBTC, that controls approximately 8.9 percent of their network’s total hash rate. ViaBTC has had abrupt rises of hash speed at times when this was of tactical benefit to Bitmain. It has lead many to suspect the ViaBTC was effectively a subsidiary of this mining equipment giant, even before the investment was made public. But this was denied by equally Bitmain and ViaBTC.